Wilson Tuckey Knows What An Idiot Is
Todays Herald: Liberal backbencher Wilson Tuckey has taken a stand against the Liberal Party platform today, declaring that larrikin Nationals Senator Barnaby Joyce needs to learn to toe the party line and keep his mouth shut concerning the benefits of the upcoming industrial relations reforms. This from a party whose recent debate on the Georgiou bills has been characterised by statements about studied, informed dissent being the fundamental perogative of all Liberal party members (see below).
Wilson "Iron Bar" Tuckey knows what an idiot is, of course. He's been called one often enough. In 2003, for example, he sought to have a motor vehicle fine issued to his son overturned, writing three times on his parliamentary letterhead to have the fine dropped and then misleading parliament, for which he was sacked from the position of Regional Services Minister.
As Tuckey himself said today,
"He's just got to start using his brains before he puts his mouth into gear"
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